9 Years Ago They Were Called The World's Most Beautiful Twins – Now Look At Them
Wait Until You See the Most Beautiful Twins in the World Now
Have you ever heard of Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements? Leah Rose and Ava Marie Clements are famous twin sisters known for being super cute! They are considered some of the most beautiful twin models and beautiful kid models. They are some of the most beautiful kids in the world.At only 6 months old, their mom knew they both would be successful twin models because they are some of the cutest twins out there. Some even consider them the most beautiful twins in the world! Ava Clements and Leah Clements have found a lot of success with being twin models.
Their outstanding modeling success got them world fame and an opportunity to work with the most recognizable brands at the very young age of 7.
The girls have an Instagram account, managed by their mom, which has amassed 1.5 million followers. It is safe to say that these are modern time influencers, whose captivating beauty strikes us with awe. When you see how they look and what they're up to today, you’ll be even more stunned!
Jaqi and Kevin

In 2003, Jaqi and Kevin, who make quite an attractive couple, decided to tie the knot. These two were first blessed with a baby boy, Chase, who came into this world on July 3, 2008. Chase was still a baby when the couple found out that the family was about to have another two little bundles of joy. Little did they know how big of a change these two babies would bring to their lives.
Premature Arrival

The twins came into the world a little unexpectedly. To be more precise, they were 4 and a half weeks early, on July 7, 2010, but luckily everything went fine. The beautiful baby sisters were named Ava Marie and Leah Rose. When Jaqi recalled the premature arrival of the twins, she would jokingly say that it was so typical of girls to show up early, unannounced and ready to take action.
Showered with Compliments

Ever since they were born, Ava Marie and Leah Rose were getting compliments for their distinguished beauty. It is common and usual for every mom to think their baby is adorable, but this case was different. People were impressed. Everybody would say how gorgeous they were and the girls would be showered with compliments every time someone saw them.
They Should Be Models

Everybody said, “You should think about getting them into modeling!” Jaqi heard this so many times ever since the girls were born that she actually thought of giving it a try when the girls were 6 months old. She signed them up with an agency in Los Angeles and decided to take a shot at it.
First Modeling Try

Jaqi felt a little pressured to start the girls’ modeling career. Finally, she decided to go through with it. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but she tried anyway. She and Kevin raised Chase, who was two at the time, and the girls, who were six months old back then. Most of the time it was difficult to even leave the house, not to mention do any other more complex endeavors.
Quitting Modeling

The first modeling trial lasted for three months before Jaqi realized it was way too early for the girls to get into it more seriously. Also, she was already feeling overwhelmed with the whole parenting regime she had, so the extra pressure coming with the girls’ modeling made Jaqi realize that it was time to go back to their regular lives.
Living a Normal Life

Kevin and Jaqi were determined not to influence their kids’ lives in such a way, unless the kids themselves were to express a clear interest in it. Considering the fact that their kids were still babies, this meant that for the following several years modeling would not be an option.
Enjoying the Spotlight

Positive Signs

Giving the Idea

Getting Ready for the Shoot

The First Photoshoot

Lack of Experience

Managing the Feed

Instagram models

Choosing the Agency

Problem with Two Agencies

Coming Clean

Second Round of Instagram Success

What the Followers Like

It Isn’t All About the Pictures

Modeling and Friends/Cousins

The Helpful Community

Dealing with the Criticism

“They Look So Sad”

“Are They Wearing Makeup?”

“Let Them Be Kids”

Roundtrips to LA

Extra Expenses

An Investment that Pays Off

HUGE Learning Experience

To Trust or Not to Trust

Chase and Modeling

Steady Success

The Good Genes

Life Lessons

Fun with Mom

Fun With Dad

Advocates of Healthy Lifestyle

Jaqi Modeling with the Twins

A Good Year


Young Influencers

Dangers of Being an Influencer

Kids as Shows

SMA Partners with the Clements Twins

New Challenges for the Clements Family

Pleurisy, Flu...

Kevin’s Diagnosis

Thinking Positive

Not an Ordinary Family

Doing What They Usually Do

Hopefully a Happy Ending

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