Signs of Apocalypse The End of the World

Signs of Apocalypse The End of the World

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Let us enhance our worship, taQwa, and the ' charitable virtue.

God says: "If you are more worldly than chasing chasing near me so I give it, but I'll keep you guys from the song" .... Subhanallah waAstaghfirullah ....

✓ many children born of adultery
✓ sunrise from West to East
✓ remission will be closed Door Dabbat al-Ard (a type of camel): coming out of the Earth that Muslims will mark & sebenar2nya
✓ Fog for 40 days to turn off everyone.
✓ A great fire will cause damage/Destruction
✓ Kabah collapse posts in Al-Quran will disappear
✓ the trumpet will be blown the first time make all living beings feel stunned and frightened the second trumpet will make all living things die and a third who make every living thing bounced back been the Islamic

Prophet MUHAMMAD said, "whoever is reminiscent to others, their will make My place in heaven for him on the day of judgment would "perhaps we can send thousands of  words that not too important but when you submit pertaining to worship You should think twice.

Please Share and Tag to all muslim friend.

May Allah make the end of life we husnul khatimah and include it in the people who were martyred, Aamiin.

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